Awarding CEUs

Award CEUs to your learners

UW–Madison departments may award Continuing Education Units (CEUs) to learners who complete their continuing education courses, provided the criteria and standards are met. As part of our standard services, we will track CEUs and distribute certificates of completion to your learners.* 

*If you need CEU tracking but are not currently using standard services, we will provide CEU tracking and distribution for your program for $10 per attendee with a $35 setup fee. CERC does not invoice or accept payments from learners for CEU requests; billing is handled directly by each department.

What is a CEU?
The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is a nationally recognized unit documenting a learner’s successful completion of noncredit programs and courses for career enhancement and professional development. One CEU is equivalent to 10 hours of full participation in an authorized continuing education program. For example, a learner who completes 16 hours in an approved continuing education course would earn 1.6 CEUs.

Although CEUs are not equivalent to academic credit, CEUs may be accepted by employers, certification and licensing agencies, and professional associations as evidence of educational attainment. Participants should check with their licensing/accreditation agencies regarding the acceptance of CEU credit.

Getting started

Program coordinators must complete a CEU Application Form* and then submit using the “Submit CEU Application” button below. Coordinators must submit at least 30 days before the program start date. You will receive an email from a member of the CERC team confirming that your course is set up for CEUs within 3 business days.

Please use the file naming convention for your CEU Application Form: [Name of Course]-[Start Date] (e.g., CERC Call Center Crash Course-September 1).

Submit CEU Application

After your event

Within two weeks after your program ends, please email using the Attendee Roster Template below. Please include the CEUs earned. The CERC team can email the completion certificates directly to each learner or send them to the program director to distribute. 

Access the roster template

Learner records

Learners may request a transcript of their noncredit CEUs earned through UW–Madison. 

For more information, please contact: or 608-262-2451.

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