CERC Reports Suite

Do you need information about your event or your attendees? We likely have a report for that!

Our reports suite includes details about active and past events, enrollment data, financial data and more. Reports for active events draw from real-time data to give you a snapshot of how your event is currently doing.

To get started, you will need to login to our portal system using this button below.

Visit the general reports login

After logging in you will be directed back to this page to select any report from the libraries below.


You must be an authorized user to access the reports suite. Complete and submit the USI Internet User Account Request form to request Internet User access.


Exporting reports

Exporting to Excel or PDF is not available for reports. However, you can copy and paste into Excel by highlighting the relevant information within the data table. Note that highlighting cells outside the appropriate data table may affect the formatting.


This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Closing roster

Closing Roster : Alternative Closing/Grade Roster. Available for events one year before or after current date.

Grade report roster

Grade Report Roster : CEU reports for registrant of an event (6 months prior to end +30 from today)

Instructor roster

Instructor Roster : Listing of instructors for an event

Marketing roster

Marketing Roster : Listing of registrations (active or canceled) and registration related data. Includes registrant type and promo code if used.

Registrant and functions roster

Registrant and Functions Roster : Roster of registrants and functions.

Registrant order roster

Registrant Order Roster : Registrant data by order date, status and number (-90 days and +365 from today) Includes canceled and wait listed registrants.

Registrant roster 1

Registrant Roster 1 : Roster data for active registrants (-30 days and +365 from today) – these reports no longer contain wait listed registrants.

Registrant roster 2

Registrant Roster 2 : Roster data for active registrants including company and title (-30 days and +365 from today) – these reports no longer contain waitlisted registrants.

Balance due report

Balance Due Report : Lists orders for events with a balance due.

Roster of registrant history

Roster of Registrant History : Roster of other events a registrant in an active event has taken.

Service order roster

Service Order Roster : Listing of service orders and accounts (includes monies)

Waitlist roster

Waitlist Roster : Registrations that have been wait listed. This report only returns data if orders or items are waitlisted for an event between -7 days and +365 from today.

Counts, totals and audit data

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Event counts and revenue

Event Counts and Revenue : Counts and revenue data for a selected event (-7 days and future events) – includes service orders

Registrant type and function counts

Registrant Type and Function Counts : Counts for registrant types and functions within a selected event. Functions are sorted by start date and time. Function roster can be generated from this report. Reg. type rosters can be generated using Registrant Type Counts report below, counts are still accurate.

Registrant type counts

Registrant Type Counts : Counts for registrant types only. Registrant type roster can be generated from this report.

Order item change

Order Item Change : Listing of items that have been changed on an order. Lists events that are active or canceled within the last 6 months and one year into the future. NOTE: Excludes closed or completed events.

Promo/gratis listing

Promo/Gratis Listing : Promo codes and gratis registrations for previous month

Web links

Web Links : Listing of customer URL (Future only) currently only working for specific user not division level logons. (This information can be obtained by named user creating a view in V20) Be aware that the links you attach to WEB pages must be the link from USI. Do not test the link in a browser and then copy the URL from the address line to your WEB site, as the link may modify and not work properly.

Comprehensive event reports

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

All event counts

All Event Counts : Listing of all events for the user within the time frame listed. (-7 days and future from today) Currently only working for specific user not division level logons.

Balance due report

Balance Due Report : Listing of AR


This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Archived event counts and revenue

Archived Event Counts and Revenue :Counts and Revenue data for a selected event – from July 1, 2007 to current – includes service orders. {Guide 7.24}

EZ Writer reports

Marketing general data


This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Online/L3 events

Online : LAAS New Online orders (-7 days) Non-L3

L3 Events : Life Long Learner Events

L3 Alt Roster

Interest codes

Contacts : Interest codes attached to contact

Events : Contacts with Interest Codes attached to events. Added event end date to parameter in URL.

Certificate series

Certificate Series : Menu for Certificate Series Queries

IDP Audit : Report monitoring for IDP


Pyle and Fluno Events/Comments : Events being run at the Pyle and Fluno Centers internal report now includes comments from -7 days and future from today.

Financial Report CCMS – Generates upload spreadsheet for internal transfers for Pyle and Lowell.

Department Billing: Used to generate counts by unit

CPM : Lowell Center Report


This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Director menu

Director Menu: List of departmental directors for a user logged into the reports portal.

Registrants for director

Registrants for Director: List of registrants and events for a given “director” – either selected from the Director Menu above or provided for those logged in with a director’s credentials. Excludes canceled registrations.

Marketing roster

Marketing Roster: List of registrations (active or canceled) and registration-related data. Includes registrant type and promo code if used.

Registrations by week

Registrations by Week: Breakdown of the number of registrations for a week by event.

Roster of registrant history

Roster of Registrant History: Roster of other events a registrant enrolled in a current event has completed. Excludes canceled registrations.

What do the letter codes stand for on the reports?
Each report has a guide that should contain any codes used in the report. Those guides are on the web page and located just after the report description. These codes typically begin with a numeric sequence starting with 7.

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